1.  Although the guards have curbed crime in several projects, they have failed in others.

2.  A neighborhood-watch program can also curb teen crime.

3.  But to blacks disappointed in the African National Congress government, and particularly its failure to curb crime, Luyt has some appeal.

4.  Evidence on the role of imprisonment in curbing crime is less clear, the experts said.

5.  Forget bills that would end pestilence, curb crime or combat the heartbreak of psoriasis.

6.  He also outlined plans for action against sex offenders, preventing domestic violence, curbing juvenile crime, cracking down on guns and helping local communities fight crime.

7.  He helps communities across the nation close off existing neighborhoods, with gates or cul-de-sacs, to curb crime.

8.  He is merely accelerating the addition of police academy graduates, he says, to help curb property crimes and to replace officers expected to retire next year.

9.  Joe R. Hicks, executive director of the Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission, said the only way to curb hate crimes is through stiff prosecution and education.

10.  NRA lobbyists said background checks make the waiting period unnecessary and do little to curb crime.

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